Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Everything in LIFE is a work in progress.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Still Struggling!!

Even though I have not written in a while, I like to come back and read my old posts, kind of like an online diary. Wow I wrote these things, I actually feel inspired and laughed a little too. I need to get back in the groove of things, looks like this summer is my best bet, now with, a job, kids, husband, school (grad) and my other aspiring job CAKE DECORATING. Yes you heard it here first I have been completely obsessed more that facebook or looking online to see what assignments are due. On my spare time I look up pictures and inspirations for cakes and more, if you get a chance visit my website... Where I hope to get some jobs and more inspiration.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Since October!!!

Since October!!!! Wow, my last blog was back in October.

I have been bumbed and so busy. I have to make time to create and give my creative spirit wings. Even if I have to settle for drawing the clothes on the floor or the food crumbs on the table. Let me tell you, being a mother of two is a task!!! How do people do it? How do some women find time to cook dinner, clean the house, watch the kids and watch at least two hours of TV a day (I have to add that, anyone that knows me, knows that I love my TV). Can anyone answer that question? Let me not forget working a full-time job and still be able to wear their pearls and have each hair on their head in perfect place. WAIT!!! I know, that wasn't real life, it was Leave it to Beaver!!!!

OK, so I'm a tad bit frustrated, I have made a goal and not kept it, QUELLE SUPRISE!!!

So I have so many goal and so little time.

We just bought a new house and I have my studio space picked out already. More news to come with many pictures of my new studio space and let me not forget the amazing easel that I got for Christmas!!!!

have a great night y'all and don't let your goals slip away,

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not. ~Author Unknown

Monday, October 19, 2009

Where did it go!!

I was motivated a while ago and it has been completely erased from my mind. How do people do it!!!!???? A question I have been asking myself for a while now. I hope that with a new easel I will find it again!! My easel will be done shortly and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can have a handle on things.

I am staring at an empty canvas thinking and making excuses......a la Selma Hayek in Fool's Rush In..."Excuses, excuses, excuses!!!!!!!" I hear her voice loud and clear!!! I need to channel her voice from a different movie...Frida! LOL

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The past two days no painting has been done, but I did write. My whispers have been telling me to write more and more. I continue to edit my book that I started about 2 years ago. It has been coming along pretty well, or so I thought. Little did I know I would be changing the entire thing!!! Do authors go through this...change 80% of the book. I changed a good part of the book but with the same message and the same idea, just the main character was changed!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's getting harder and harder!!

Well needless to say, it's getting harder and harder to stay focused and have the creative energy flowing through my body!! It's been kinda busy with the boys and just living the everyday life. So my schedule is as follows, I get some TV time early in the morning, where I get to watch the one or two TV shows I DVR'd the night before, then play with the boys, snack time go for a walk or shopping, lunch, play then start diner and somewhere in there Lucas takes a nap!! :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Book in the works!

I have been thinking a lot about the book I have written and what to change in it to be more appealing to the masses. It is a bilingual book about a little Taino Indian boy who finds a treasure in El Yunque (Puerto Rican rainforest) and tells all his animals friends in the forest. At the end there is a surprise!! I can't spoil it for everybody. LOL

I also have another idea for a book, somewhat in the same lines as the first, but I don't want to say too much... hey you never know who is reading this post...copyright and stuff ya know!!! but I highly doubt that would happen but I don't want to take my chances!! :)

My whispers are calling out to me.....write, create,empower yourself!!!